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Balance Disorders

ACE Audiology provides balance disorder assessments using the latest in Videonystagmography equipment. 


Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo (BPPV) is a common  balance disorder that causes sensations of vertigo when the head is moved in particular directions.  Classical symptoms are of a vertiginous sensation upon rolling over in bed, laying back in bed or on looking upwards. Fortunately the condition is easily treated within one or two sessions at ACE Audiology.

If you suspect you may be suffering from BPPV please feel free to contact ACE Audiology for an assessment and treatment should this be required in your particular circumstance. 

Vestibular Migraine

Another common balance disorder is that of Vestibular Migraine. Migraine affects approximately 5% of men and up to 16% of women with subgroups of these populations suffering balance disturbance. Once diagnosed advice can be provided as to how the condition can be managed. ACE audiology is happy to assist in your balance assessment.

Vestibular Neuritis

This is an acute disturbance to the vestibular nerve or balance organs, often related to a viral infection or reactivation of a dormant virus. There is a period of intense vertigo for approximately 24 hours before central compensation takes affect diminishing the effects.  Up to ten days recovery is often required. Often permanent damage has been caused however the remaining balance organ usually compensates. A balance assessment can benefit in determining which canals have been affected and to the extent of damage that has occured. Vestibular rehabilitation can assist in the longer term.

Meniere’s Syndrome

This is a collection of symptoms lumped into a Syndrome. It is often also known as endolymphatic hydrops. Symptoms are usually episodic recurring lasting for .5 hr to 24 hours during which time nausea and imbalance are intense. Audiology can assist in diagnosis and thus assist the medical practitioners treat the disorder.

Neurological Causations

Central disorders are very rare. A thorough balance assessment in conjunction with medical history and physical examination can assist in diagnosis